How to Find Missing Monkey

nbelievable but true

A large West African monkey has simply vanished from the earth. Our class will take a trip to Ghana to research whether or not Miss Waldron's Red Colobus monkey still exist and to research about the missing monkey in Ghana.

The class will be divide into two different group to research for the missing monkey. One group will gather the pros and another group will gather the cons.
This project will be two week project. Each group will gather information and facts for their argument case. I hope that each group will have a strong case for their statement case.

Steps to search for the missing monkey in Ghana.

1. State your Hypothesis

2. Procedure: go to the websites and research about the missing monkey. You need to take detail notes and right down all the facts about the missing monkey.
3. List three resources about the facts and make an argument about your case for your group.

4. Gather all your facts and the arguments. Make a Pro and Cons for your argument.

5. Conclusion: Does the argument of your hypothesis support your case? Make sure you have all the facts about your case for your group.